Work with Organizations to Operationalize Racial Justice in their
Policies, Practices, and Culture
![]() Partner with Gita Gulati-Partee, OpenSource Leadership Strategies with the following clients:
Build the capacity of staff and board at the Nellie Mae Education Foundation including conducting an organizational assessment, coaching, and facilitating a racial equity theory of change process. Build the capacity of staff at the Guttmacher Institute including conducting an organizational assessment, providing coaching and training. Build capacity of Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Elders (SAGE) to integrate their ongoing commitment to diversity and equity into programs, operations and culture with IAM Associates and Open Source Leadership Strategies. Working with the Funders Network on Population, Reproductive Health and Rights to develop an authentic partnership framework to support and model better collaboration that strengthens the movement. William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund Worked with Diversity and Inclusion Team to assess current organizational issues and build staff’s capacity to align their policies, practices and culture to their value of equity. Interaction Institute for Social Change Worked with staff and consultant team to sharpen understanding of structural racism and apply the analysis to both internal dynamics and client work. Also provided coaching to the white caucus. Everyday Democracy
Worked with staff and associates to build their capacity and understanding of structural racism, racial equity, diversity and inclusion to further learn about race and power in the work environment and their community change work. Our support included:
Indiana State University Worked on a research and assessment process to conduct a qualitative study of the experiences of faculty and professional staff in their first two years of employment at ISU, and evaluate and recommend recruitment and hiring policies, procedures and practices with respect to diversity. |
![]() Provide racial equity and justice capacity building consulting, equity coaching, and/or training on racial equity issues for: Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, Grand Victoria Foundation, National Juvenile Justice Network, National Center for Transgender Equality, Colorado Trust, Northwest Area Foundation, Washington Regional Area Grantmakers, Ruth Ellis Center, Department of Children, Youth and Families (Chester County PA) Tara Mandala, Meyer Memorial Trust, Huntsville Alabama Leadership Impact Program, Institute for Community Peace, Montgomery County (MD) Study Circles Program, City of Morgantown, WV, Everyday Democracy, City of Lynchburg VA – Many Voices-One Community Initiative, Jim Casey Youth Opportunities Initiative, and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.
Work with Raquel Gutierrez to build the capacity of the United Philanthropy Forum’s staff and board to operationalize racial equity including working with internal staff team, facilitating education sessions, individual and group coaching, and supporting the adoption of the Racial Equity Decision-Making Tool (REDT). Build the capacity of The Cleveland Foundation’s Racial Equity and Inclusion team with Raquel Gutierrez to guide developing a racial equitable culture. Working with Shiree Teng and Brigette Rouson to build the capacity of Provide to align policies, practices, and processes with their values of diversity, inclusion and equity. Working with Diane Goodman and Michael Funk to support the executive team of Queens Legal Services to continue leading the equity change process. Department of Children, Youth and Families, Chester County, PA Worked with Sally Leiderman, Center for Assessment and Policy Development and Gwen Wright, Change Matters, to conduct an assessment and build capacity of agency’s Diversity Team to address racial disproportionality. The process included: identifying promising practices in the broader child welfare arena, conducting a needs assessment (survey, in-depth interview and focus groups of staff and service users), and designing and facilitating skill-building workshops and individual coaching. Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity (PRE) Provide design support and case study development for PRE’s Racial Justice Funders’ Lab. The Lab is a two-day session with a select group of foundation leaders to build a collective knowledge base and provide support to philanthropic leaders addressing issues of structural racism through grantmaking. Race Forward and the Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity Served as project manager for a pilot project with Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity and Race Forward (formerly, Applied Research Center) using their Racial Equity Grantmaking Assessment Tool with two foundations, the Barr Foundation and the Consumer Health Foundation. This tool was designed to share the benefits of being explicit about racial equity, and to determine the degree to which a foundation’s work is advancing racial justice. Report: Catalytic Change: Lessons Learned from the Racial Justice Grantmaking Assessment Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Conducted an assessment of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s Synod Anti-Racism Teams (65 synods) to map the capacity, assets, and needs of the teams and network as whole to help create more effective collaboration with the church-wide office. Co-designed and co-facilitated a two-day national retreat with key leaders, and wrote the report, At the Intersection of Race and Poverty: An ELCA Capacity Building and Network Gathering. California Tomorrow Served on the consulting team for the Leading By Example Initiative sponsored by California Tomorrow and Coalition of Community Foundations for Youth to build the capacity of four community foundations to address inclusion and equity issues. Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation and Community Foundation of the National Capital Region (CFNCR) Developed and managed the technical assistance case management program and learning cluster meetings for the Initiative to Strengthen Neighborhood Inter-Group Assets for the Eugene and Agnes E. Meyer Foundation, which later transitioned to the CFNCR. The Initiative to Strengthen Neighborhood Inter-Group Assets was conceived in 1997 “to promote and strengthen cross-racial and cross-cultural relationships, including those between recent immigrants and long-time residents, by addressing racism and fostering the equitable distribution of political and economic power and resources to improve neighborhoods.” |